Tardy Policy
- Students arriving after 8:05 must be accompanied by a parent and report to the office to be signed in.
- Tardy students will not be allowed to enter class until 2nd period, in order to minimize classroom disruptions.
- A Tardy Slip will be issued, which must be signed by a parent/legal guardian and returned.
Excused Absence
An Excused Absence is defined as follows:
- Illness with a Doctor’s Note
- Death in the Immediate Family
- Inclement Weather / Road Conditions
Accreditation and Memberships
In order for Huda Academy to promote clean and healthy environment please consider if the student is not feeling well,
- Under no circumstances should students with a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit or higher be sent to school. Furthermore, if a student’s temperature rises above 99° Fahrenheit during the school day, a parent/legal guardian will be contacted to arrange for immediate pick-up.
- Sick children must maintain a temperature below 99° Fahrenheit for 24 hours before being allowed to return to school.
- If a student vomits at school, a parent/legal guardian will be contacted to arrange for immediate pick-up.
- If a child has had diarrhea within 24-hours prior to a school day, or is coughing and sneezing excessively, please keep your child at home until no longer contagious.
- If your child is to be administered any medication during the school day, The Huda Academy must have a signed copy of the prescription/Over the counter medication authorization form on file in our office. Otherwise, no medications will be given under any circumstances.