
Personal My name is Ziad Abdulla. I was born and raised in Kuwait. When I am not at school I enjoy spending time with my 
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Personal I have been a teacher for over twenty years. Half of those years was spent teaching English overseas. I was in Saudi Arabia for 
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About Me I recently graduated from UALR with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education K-6. I am excited and honored to join the Huda 
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Personal My name is Sally Alhourani. I am a wife and a mother of two Huda students. I graduated with a Law degree from the 
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About me My name is Marwa Dardas. I will be teaching 1st Grade. This will be my first year teaching at The Huda Academy. I 
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About me My name is Zahid Jawed. I am the 4-8 grade science teacher. I have recently completed my Masters in Science in Biology from 
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About me I was born in Iraq and I live in Little Rock with my husband Maan Alazzawi. I’m a mother to one daughter who 
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Personal My name is Rula Sajdieh. I’m a dedicated, caring, organized, creative and energetic teacher; I’m committed to the importance of creating learning opportunities for 
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Personal My name is Ms. Shelton. I am the current Pre-K 4 teacher and your Preschool Age Level Coordinator. I have 3 biological children, 2 
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Personal I am originally from Jerusalem, Palestine. I moved to the states in 1986. I am a proud mother of five children, 4 boys, and 
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